September 19, 2014

fish4tomorrow Launch Quickfish Guide and Website

The Quickfish Guide

On the 18th September, the fish4tomorrow campaign and Greenhouse Malta launched their latest Youth in Action funded project at the Malta National Aquarium, Qawra. The project involves the launch of a pocket-sized seafood guide and the official fish4tomorrow website.

The guide, Quickfish, is a list of 45 commonly found fish and seafood items rated into three categories: ‘recommended’, ‘in moderation’, and ‘avoid’, based on their levels of environmental impact. ‘Recommended’ fish are generally caught in ways which are sustainable for fish stocks, the environment and are considered as being socially and economically sustainable. Such fish include dolphin fish (lampuki) and squid (klamari). Fish given an ‘In moderation’ rating were found to have some issues with the way they're caught, produced, or brought to the local market. Seafood which is placed in the ‘Avoid’ category is usually caught in ways which have a negative impact on the fish stocks and/or cause damage to the populations of other species and the environment. Such fish are not environmentally or even economically sustainable and it is suggested that you avoid consuming them when possible.

The website also contains a detailed version of the guide where visitors can browse through each fish and understand the reasoning behind the assigned ratings.

During the launch JD Farrugia, a member of fish4tomorrow’s core team said that Quickfish is the campaign’s latest step towards 'creating a culture of sustainable fishing and fish consumption. We’d like Malta to be the go-to destination for tasty, sustainable seafood. This would also mean that people can come from all over to witness Mediterranean marine life in its full glory.'

To obtain a copy of the Quickfish guide you can email or download a copy from here.